

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Importance of “Me Time”

At Forsstrom Chiropractic Center, PC Dr. Doug Forsstrom takes a responsible role in restoring your health and encourages you to do the same. It’s hard to schedule alone time for ourselves and with the daily demands that life bestows upon us, we may find it absolutely impossible. Though socializing with friends and other loved ones is an essential part of living a healthy, happy life, it’s also essential to make time to simply be with you, to recharge and reset.

Moments by yourself give you time to recover your resources from the stress of being around others. In addition, “me time” also allows the opportunity to improve concentration, make you more productive, give space for self-discovery and provides you with the chance to reflect on situations that are happening in your life. Quality “me” time doesn’t necessarily mean you have to be alone, either. Just doing activities and things that you love counts too!

To learn more about the conditions we treat as well as the services we provide at our office, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Doug Forsstrom at Forsstrom Chiropractic Center, PC in Centennial, CO, call 303-770-5666.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Electrical Muscle Stimulation

Electrical muscle stimulation is a great treatment for patients with soft tissue injuries, muscle spasms, and even athletes who want quicker recovery times. Dr. Doug Forsstrom of Centennial, CO performs electrical muscle stimulation to help relieve our patients of pain and get them back on their feet.

Muscles spasms are painful and they can lead to stiffness, especially when they are in the neck or back. They can end up putting a stop to your day. Electrical muscle stimulation works by transmitting an electrical current into the soft tissue muscle that is having a spasm or is injured. We do this by attached electrodes to the patient’s skin over the affected area.

This process helps relax the muscles and reduce swelling. Electrical muscle stimulation also helps with pain as it causes the body to release endorphins, our body’s natural pain-reliever. This treatment works well for both chronic and acute pain. During treatment, the patient may feel tingling or muscle twitching, however, these feelings will subside when the session is finished or shortly afterward.

If you are interested in learning more about electrical muscle stimulation and if it is right for you, set up an appointment with Dr. Doug Forsstrom in our Centennial, CO office by calling (303) 770-5666. Appointments may also be set up through our website,